digital art videos educativos 4 anos

digital art videos educativos 4 anos

Explora todos los artículos Aprende el abecedario con estos divertidos programas de televisión Ver televisión puede ser educativo y entretenido a la vez. Estas series animadas son excelentes opciones para que tus hijos aprendan el alfabeto y nuevas palabras.

Por Viviana Reverón | Mayo 3, 2019 Temas: Aprendizaje Lectura Si te preocupa que el tiempo que tus hijos en edad preescolar y kínder pasan viendo televisión es tiempo perdido, esta lista es para ti. Hoy en día existen muchas opciones de programas (algunos incluso desarrollados por expertos en psicología infantil) para que los pequeños se diviertan mientras aprenden. Los personajes de estos cinco shows pueden ayudarlos a aprender el abecedario, memorizar letras, aprender palabras nuevas e internalizar valores positivos. Plaza Sésamo (Sesame Street en inglés, PBS y HBO) Edad recomendada: 2 años en adelante Rating: 5/5 estrellas Sesame Street un clásico para niños de preescolar reconocida por su excelente contenido educativo. Apoya las habilidades tempranas de lectura, matemáticas y ciencias y expone a los niños a una variedad de culturas a través de la música, la danza y el lenguaje. A lo largo de los años, los personajes de este programa han pasado por momentos difíciles como extrañar a un amigo, problemas de autoestima y preocupación por la llegada de un nuevo hermano, pero los mensajes son siempre positivos. Vale destacar que los creadores de esta serie son expertos en educación y psicología. Super WHY! (PBS Kids) Edad recomendada: 3 años en adelante Rating: 4/5 estrellas Esta serie educativa enseña a los niños a identificar palabras y las letras del alfabeto además de darles lecciones sobre la amistad, el trabajo en equipo y el respeto. Los niños son invitados a interactuar con los personajes de la serie en viajes a través de cuentos clásicos como Los tres cochinitos. Una de las creadoras de la serie, Angela Santomero, es experta en desarrollo infantil. Fiesta de palabras (Word Party en inglés, Netflix) Edad recomendada: 3 años en adelante Rating: 4/5 estrellas Está protagonizado por cuatro adorables animalitos en pañales, quienes están ansiosos por aprender de los "niños grandes" de la audiencia. Durante los episodios le piden respuestas a los niños que los ven, lo cual convierte a los chicos en ejemplos a seguir y les ayuda a aprender al "enseñarle" cosas a los personajes. Además de ayudarlos a incrementar su vocabulario, la serie tiene temas positivos que se relacionan con la comprensión de emociones, la amistad, y la importancia de llevarse bien con los demás. Wallykazam! (Nick Jr.) Edad Recomendada: 4 años en adelante Rating: 5/5 estrellas Esta serie esconde astutamente sólidas lecciones de alfabetización básica dentro de historias sobre un adorable troll y sus amigos del bosque. A los niños de preescolar les encantarán los chistes de Wally, pero para los padres, lo mejor del programa es que incorpora habilidades esenciales de lectura en su contenido y anima a los niños a leer palabras, identificar letras, hacer rimas, y pensar en sinónimos, todo de una forma que no se sienta como una lección académica. Además, la serie da ejemplos de amistades fuertes y métodos creativos para resolver problemas. Esta excepcional y cómica serie preescolar está tan bien hecha que los padres querrán sintonizarla con sus hijos. La chica supersabia (WordGirl en inglés, PBS) Edad recomendada: 5 años en adelante Rating: 4/5 estrellas Esta divertida serie animada introduce a los niños a definiciones y pronunciación de vocabulario avanzado como "tentación", "gigante" y "vegetariano". Tiene un poco de violencia caricaturesca, pero no es nada de que preocuparse y el fin del programa es ampliar el vocabulario de los niños sin que se enteren mientras disfrutan de las aventuras de esta superhéroe. Si estas buscando más recursos para que tus hijos aprendan el abecedario y más palabras, estas aplicaciones de celular también te pueden ayudar. Gracias a Polly Conway, nuestra editora de televisión, por recomendar estos programas para niños pequeños.

Como Gerente Senior de Contenido de Common Sense Latino estoy a cargo de la creación y distribución de contenido en diversos formatos para la comunidad hispanohablante.

Qué Esperan Los Alumnos Universitarios De Sus Docentes?

Nuestra misión como organización sin fines de lucro es muy importante para mi porque siempre he creído que saber ‘leer’ los medios de comunicación y tener la posibilidad de sacar provecho de los avances tecnológicos son claves para darle más posibilidades a los niños y para mantener una sociedad verdaderamente democrática. Quiero ver a la comunidad latina prosperar en el mundo de los medios y la tecnología y ayudar a los niños latinos a alcanzar sus sueños.

Our mission as non-profit is very close to my heart since both increasing media literacy and closing the digital gap are issues that I believe are essential for increasing opportunities for kids and maintaining a truly democratic society. I want to see the Latino community thriving in the world of media and technology and help Latino kids reach for the stars.Explora todos los artículos Canales de YouTube Kids para niños en edad preescolar Videos educativos y divertidos para niños de 2 a 4 años

Por Common Sense Media | Julio 15, 2022 Temas: Aprendizaje Recomendaciones Hay muchos creadores de YouTube que ofrecen contenido entretenido para niños pequeños y en edad preescolar, pero es importante elegir contenido de alta calidad que promueva el aprendizaje temprano. Para niños de esta edad, busca videos de aprendizaje simples y claros que los ayuden con la comprensión de palabras y el vocabulario, les enseñen sobre colores, números y formas, y les presenten el mundo que los rodea. Los elementos educativos deben ocupar un lugar central en cada video. Los canales de estos creadores, que están disponibles en la app de YouTube Kids, fueron reseñados ​​por el socio afiliado de Common Sense Media, Sensical. Fueron seleccionados porque enseñan a leer y escribir y matemáticas en formatos divertidos y fáciles de entender. Estos videos gratuitos, creados para niños de 2 a 4 años, promueven el aprendizaje a través de canciones, movimientos y juegos. No te pierdas nuestras otras listas de "Los mejores canales": movimiento | ciencia y tecnología | animales | arte | gamers | naturaleza | animados Bounce Patrol Kids Los niños adquieren conocimientos de colores, números, letras y animales, mientras un elenco de actores disfrazados los anima a levantarse y saltar. ¡Se trata de moverse, bailar y cantar! Brightly Storytime La narradora de cuentos Sra. Linda y autores invitados leen libros en voz alta mientras los niños siguen el texto. Hay libros para todos los intereses y edades. ¡Es una maravillosa forma de desarrollar la lectoescritura en los niños e inculcar el amor por la lectura! Coilbook En esta serie de videos educativos, diferentes personajes hablan de temas distintos: los episodios de Shawn el Tren enseñan letras y habilidades de lectura, mientras que Max el Tren Brillante y su equipo se enfocan en colores y números. Además, hay historias llenas de acción que describen vehículos que son héroes de la comunidad. Gecko's Garage Gecko enseña a los niños sobre diferentes vehículos. Desde autobuses hasta helicópteros y camiones de reciclaje, Gecko explora cada uno y les cuenta a los niños cómo es conducir ese vehículo para ganarse la vida. A los niños que les encantan los vehículos y que sienten curiosidad por la mecánica, les encantará. Gracie's Corner Gracie's Corner presenta canciones originales así como remezclas de canciones populares. Estos videos educativos tratan sobre conceptos que van desde el conteo y los colores hasta la fonética y el dinero. Gracie es ejemplo de imaginación, bondad y amor propio, y sus canciones ayudan a los niños a hacer lo mismo. Monica J. Sutton Contar, leer, hacer manualidades, cantar: ¿qué más podría desear un niño en edad preescolar? La Sra. Mónica, ex maestra de preescolar de la ciudad de Nueva York, invita a los niños a participar activamente y practicar conceptos de aprendizaje temprano mientras se divierten y cantan. Mother Goose Club Baila y canta canciones infantiles (¡y canciones originales!), junto con coloridos personajes disfrazados. Los niños no podrán dejar de reír y bailar, y a los padres les encantará que los videos promuevan las habilidades de lectura. Numberjacks Esta serie educativa, ganadora de muchos premios, se centra en un divertido y colorido grupo de superhéroes que resuelven problemas usando las matemáticas y el trabajo en equipo. Habilidades matemáticas tempranas como números, formas y medidas, combinadas con comedia, acción y aventura, hacen que los niños se emocionen con las matemáticas. The Singing Walrus Estas canciones súper pegajosas y fáciles de cantar refuerzan el conteo, las lecciones sobre la vida diaria, la higiene y las festividades. La letra de las canciones también aparece en la pantalla para mejorar las habilidades de alfabetización. TwentyTrucks No necesitas una licencia de conducir para pasear, cantar y bailar, con Twenty Trucks. Estos videos musicales presentan tomas reales de vehículos y máquinas haciendo lo que mejor saben hacer: conducir, descargar, rescatar e incluso servir helado. Las canciones enseñan sobre la mecánica y el propósito de cada vehículo. A los niños les encantará la información sensorial que brindan estos ruidosos y llamativos objetos en movimiento. Puedes verlos en: Estos títulos fueron

Arte Digital 】 Todo Lo Que Tienes Que Saber

Nuestra misión como organización sin fines de lucro es muy importante para mi porque siempre he creído que saber ‘leer’ los medios de comunicación y tener la posibilidad de sacar provecho de los avances tecnológicos son claves para darle más posibilidades a los niños y para mantener una sociedad verdaderamente democrática. Quiero ver a la comunidad latina prosperar en el mundo de los medios y la tecnología y ayudar a los niños latinos a alcanzar sus sueños.

Our mission as non-profit is very close to my heart since both increasing media literacy and closing the digital gap are issues that I believe are essential for increasing opportunities for kids and maintaining a truly democratic society. I want to see the Latino community thriving in the world of media and technology and help Latino kids reach for the stars.Explora todos los artículos Canales de YouTube Kids para niños en edad preescolar Videos educativos y divertidos para niños de 2 a 4 años

Por Common Sense Media | Julio 15, 2022 Temas: Aprendizaje Recomendaciones Hay muchos creadores de YouTube que ofrecen contenido entretenido para niños pequeños y en edad preescolar, pero es importante elegir contenido de alta calidad que promueva el aprendizaje temprano. Para niños de esta edad, busca videos de aprendizaje simples y claros que los ayuden con la comprensión de palabras y el vocabulario, les enseñen sobre colores, números y formas, y les presenten el mundo que los rodea. Los elementos educativos deben ocupar un lugar central en cada video. Los canales de estos creadores, que están disponibles en la app de YouTube Kids, fueron reseñados ​​por el socio afiliado de Common Sense Media, Sensical. Fueron seleccionados porque enseñan a leer y escribir y matemáticas en formatos divertidos y fáciles de entender. Estos videos gratuitos, creados para niños de 2 a 4 años, promueven el aprendizaje a través de canciones, movimientos y juegos. No te pierdas nuestras otras listas de "Los mejores canales": movimiento | ciencia y tecnología | animales | arte | gamers | naturaleza | animados Bounce Patrol Kids Los niños adquieren conocimientos de colores, números, letras y animales, mientras un elenco de actores disfrazados los anima a levantarse y saltar. ¡Se trata de moverse, bailar y cantar! Brightly Storytime La narradora de cuentos Sra. Linda y autores invitados leen libros en voz alta mientras los niños siguen el texto. Hay libros para todos los intereses y edades. ¡Es una maravillosa forma de desarrollar la lectoescritura en los niños e inculcar el amor por la lectura! Coilbook En esta serie de videos educativos, diferentes personajes hablan de temas distintos: los episodios de Shawn el Tren enseñan letras y habilidades de lectura, mientras que Max el Tren Brillante y su equipo se enfocan en colores y números. Además, hay historias llenas de acción que describen vehículos que son héroes de la comunidad. Gecko's Garage Gecko enseña a los niños sobre diferentes vehículos. Desde autobuses hasta helicópteros y camiones de reciclaje, Gecko explora cada uno y les cuenta a los niños cómo es conducir ese vehículo para ganarse la vida. A los niños que les encantan los vehículos y que sienten curiosidad por la mecánica, les encantará. Gracie's Corner Gracie's Corner presenta canciones originales así como remezclas de canciones populares. Estos videos educativos tratan sobre conceptos que van desde el conteo y los colores hasta la fonética y el dinero. Gracie es ejemplo de imaginación, bondad y amor propio, y sus canciones ayudan a los niños a hacer lo mismo. Monica J. Sutton Contar, leer, hacer manualidades, cantar: ¿qué más podría desear un niño en edad preescolar? La Sra. Mónica, ex maestra de preescolar de la ciudad de Nueva York, invita a los niños a participar activamente y practicar conceptos de aprendizaje temprano mientras se divierten y cantan. Mother Goose Club Baila y canta canciones infantiles (¡y canciones originales!), junto con coloridos personajes disfrazados. Los niños no podrán dejar de reír y bailar, y a los padres les encantará que los videos promuevan las habilidades de lectura. Numberjacks Esta serie educativa, ganadora de muchos premios, se centra en un divertido y colorido grupo de superhéroes que resuelven problemas usando las matemáticas y el trabajo en equipo. Habilidades matemáticas tempranas como números, formas y medidas, combinadas con comedia, acción y aventura, hacen que los niños se emocionen con las matemáticas. The Singing Walrus Estas canciones súper pegajosas y fáciles de cantar refuerzan el conteo, las lecciones sobre la vida diaria, la higiene y las festividades. La letra de las canciones también aparece en la pantalla para mejorar las habilidades de alfabetización. TwentyTrucks No necesitas una licencia de conducir para pasear, cantar y bailar, con Twenty Trucks. Estos videos musicales presentan tomas reales de vehículos y máquinas haciendo lo que mejor saben hacer: conducir, descargar, rescatar e incluso servir helado. Las canciones enseñan sobre la mecánica y el propósito de cada vehículo. A los niños les encantará la información sensorial que brindan estos ruidosos y llamativos objetos en movimiento. Puedes verlos en: Estos títulos fueron

Arte Digital 】 Todo Lo Que Tienes Que Saber

Nuestra misión como organización sin fines de lucro es muy importante para mi porque siempre he creído que saber ‘leer’ los medios de comunicación y tener la posibilidad de sacar provecho de los avances tecnológicos son claves para darle más posibilidades a los niños y para mantener una sociedad verdaderamente democrática. Quiero ver a la comunidad latina prosperar en el mundo de los medios y la tecnología y ayudar a los niños latinos a alcanzar sus sueños.

Our mission as non-profit is very close to my heart since both increasing media literacy and closing the digital gap are issues that I believe are essential for increasing opportunities for kids and maintaining a truly democratic society. I want to see the Latino community thriving in the world of media and technology and help Latino kids reach for the stars.Explora todos los artículos Canales de YouTube Kids para niños en edad preescolar Videos educativos y divertidos para niños de 2 a 4 años

Por Common Sense Media | Julio 15, 2022 Temas: Aprendizaje Recomendaciones Hay muchos creadores de YouTube que ofrecen contenido entretenido para niños pequeños y en edad preescolar, pero es importante elegir contenido de alta calidad que promueva el aprendizaje temprano. Para niños de esta edad, busca videos de aprendizaje simples y claros que los ayuden con la comprensión de palabras y el vocabulario, les enseñen sobre colores, números y formas, y les presenten el mundo que los rodea. Los elementos educativos deben ocupar un lugar central en cada video. Los canales de estos creadores, que están disponibles en la app de YouTube Kids, fueron reseñados ​​por el socio afiliado de Common Sense Media, Sensical. Fueron seleccionados porque enseñan a leer y escribir y matemáticas en formatos divertidos y fáciles de entender. Estos videos gratuitos, creados para niños de 2 a 4 años, promueven el aprendizaje a través de canciones, movimientos y juegos. No te pierdas nuestras otras listas de "Los mejores canales": movimiento | ciencia y tecnología | animales | arte | gamers | naturaleza | animados Bounce Patrol Kids Los niños adquieren conocimientos de colores, números, letras y animales, mientras un elenco de actores disfrazados los anima a levantarse y saltar. ¡Se trata de moverse, bailar y cantar! Brightly Storytime La narradora de cuentos Sra. Linda y autores invitados leen libros en voz alta mientras los niños siguen el texto. Hay libros para todos los intereses y edades. ¡Es una maravillosa forma de desarrollar la lectoescritura en los niños e inculcar el amor por la lectura! Coilbook En esta serie de videos educativos, diferentes personajes hablan de temas distintos: los episodios de Shawn el Tren enseñan letras y habilidades de lectura, mientras que Max el Tren Brillante y su equipo se enfocan en colores y números. Además, hay historias llenas de acción que describen vehículos que son héroes de la comunidad. Gecko's Garage Gecko enseña a los niños sobre diferentes vehículos. Desde autobuses hasta helicópteros y camiones de reciclaje, Gecko explora cada uno y les cuenta a los niños cómo es conducir ese vehículo para ganarse la vida. A los niños que les encantan los vehículos y que sienten curiosidad por la mecánica, les encantará. Gracie's Corner Gracie's Corner presenta canciones originales así como remezclas de canciones populares. Estos videos educativos tratan sobre conceptos que van desde el conteo y los colores hasta la fonética y el dinero. Gracie es ejemplo de imaginación, bondad y amor propio, y sus canciones ayudan a los niños a hacer lo mismo. Monica J. Sutton Contar, leer, hacer manualidades, cantar: ¿qué más podría desear un niño en edad preescolar? La Sra. Mónica, ex maestra de preescolar de la ciudad de Nueva York, invita a los niños a participar activamente y practicar conceptos de aprendizaje temprano mientras se divierten y cantan. Mother Goose Club Baila y canta canciones infantiles (¡y canciones originales!), junto con coloridos personajes disfrazados. Los niños no podrán dejar de reír y bailar, y a los padres les encantará que los videos promuevan las habilidades de lectura. Numberjacks Esta serie educativa, ganadora de muchos premios, se centra en un divertido y colorido grupo de superhéroes que resuelven problemas usando las matemáticas y el trabajo en equipo. Habilidades matemáticas tempranas como números, formas y medidas, combinadas con comedia, acción y aventura, hacen que los niños se emocionen con las matemáticas. The Singing Walrus Estas canciones súper pegajosas y fáciles de cantar refuerzan el conteo, las lecciones sobre la vida diaria, la higiene y las festividades. La letra de las canciones también aparece en la pantalla para mejorar las habilidades de alfabetización. TwentyTrucks No necesitas una licencia de conducir para pasear, cantar y bailar, con Twenty Trucks. Estos videos musicales presentan tomas reales de vehículos y máquinas haciendo lo que mejor saben hacer: conducir, descargar, rescatar e incluso servir helado. Las canciones enseñan sobre la mecánica y el propósito de cada vehículo. A los niños les encantará la información sensorial que brindan estos ruidosos y llamativos objetos en movimiento. Puedes verlos en: Estos títulos fueron

Arte Digital 】 Todo Lo Que Tienes Que Saber

how to turn art into digital art

how to turn art into digital art

Figuring out where to begin and what to draw can be challenging. First, get yourself a sketchbook, take it with you wherever you go, and sketch your immediate surroundings whenever you can. Emulating the work of other illustrators is also a great way to practice and learn. Above all, remember, the more you practice, the closer you are to finding your style—or something that sets you apart.

Honing your drawing skills is an ongoing process that requires a lot of practice. From tracing a hand-drawn sketch to drawing from scratch in Illustrator, let’s look at some of the most common tools and workflows for illustrating.

Turn A Sketch Into Digital Art With This Complete Guide - How To Turn Art Into Digital Art

You can easily base a new drawing on an existing piece of artwork by tracing it. If you sketch on paper, use Image Trace in Illustrator, which lets you convert raster images (.JPEG, .PNG, .PSD, etc.) to vector artwork (shapes and paths).

Easy Ways To Digitise Your Drawings

If you prefer to jump right into digital illustration, the Curvature, Pen, or Pencil tools are great tools for illustration. The Pen tool in Illustrator is powerful, offering the most precision for creating curves and straight lines. Other tools, like the Pencil tool or Paintbrush tool, are ideal for expressive, free-form lines. You can use layers in the Layers panel to lock and dim the image and draw over the top of the image using any of the drawing tools.

By applying a brush to new and existing paths created with the Brushes panel, you can add textures that add style and uniqueness to your artwork. After applying a brush, you can change the stroke of the path and other properties in the Properties panel.

Illustrator is the industry standard tool for freehand drawing or tracing and recoloring your sketches to turn them into works of art. Whatever you create, you can use your illustrations anywhere—printed pieces, presentations, websites, blogs, and social media.In this art tutorial, I'm going to share how to turn your analog (hand-drawn or painted) artwork into a digital file. This is a key skill to learn if you want to sell your artwork online.

I Love This So Much, Should I Make It Into Digital Art?

In order to sell my hand-painted art on print on demand sites like Society6 and Redbubble, I need to have a digital version of the painting. That way I can upload the design and sell it on multiple different products like home furnishings, bedspreads, art prints, tapestries, and more.

There are two main ways to do this - scanning your artwork or photographing it. Since I sell my artwork on large products I need to have the highest quality file possible, so my preferred method for digitizing my artwork is to scan it. I use this Epson scanner and I absolutely love it.

I'll start by walking through the scanning process, but if you don't have access to a scanner, no problem! You can just as easily digitize your artwork by photographing it with a camera or phone. Click here to jump to the photographing tutorial.

Tips: How To Turn Digital Photos Into Canvas Wall Art

The first thing I want to go over when it comes to scanning your artwork is DPI which stands for dots per inch. This dictates the resolution of a digital file, and it's important to understand how it works if you plan to digitize your artwork to sell online. You are able to adjust the DPI on your scanner settings which allows you to have a lot more flexibility with how large you are able to scale the digital file. The higher the resolution (DPI) of your original scan, the larger you will be able to print your artwork.

The industry standard for printing on paper is 300 DPI. I painted this painting on a piece of paper that was 14" x 11". If I scan it in at 300 DPI, I will be able to print it out on anything up to the size of 14" x 11" without it losing its resolution.

The industry standard for web is 72 DPI, so if you're scanning your artwork with the intention for it to only be viewed digitally like on Instagram or a website, you can scan it in at a lower resolution. However, I always digitize my artwork with the intention of it being printed on products, so I always scan mine in with a setting of at least 300 DPI.

How To Turn Analog Artwork Into A Digital File — CatCoq - How To Turn Art Into Digital Art

How To Turn Drawings Into Digital Art — Find Out On V Art 🛰️

If you want to scale your artwork up even larger than the original size, you can adjust for that in your scanner settings. If you scan your artwork in at 600 DPI, it can be printed up to two times larger than the original painting without losing resolution.

The higher the DPI, the bigger you can print your design. Scanning at 900 DPI will allow you to scale the design up to three times its original size, 1200 DPI up to four times the original size, and so on.

I tend to scan my artwork in anywhere from 1200 to 1600 DPI since I plan to print it on large items like bedspreads, tapestries, and shower curtains. Scanning in at such a high resolution results in a large file size, but it's worth it to have basically unlimited options as to what you can print the design on. Simply put, a high DPI gives you more flexibility.

Turn A Photo Into A Digital Painting Ps Actions By Jasmine2792 On Deviantart

Before you start your scan, you'll need to input the settings your want in your scanner dialogue box on your computer. This is where you'll set the DPI and other settings before the scan begins. Every scanner has a different style of dialogue box, but they all should have the same main settings. It's likely that yours will look different than mine, but you can use this as a reference guide for setting up your own scan settings.

The most important settings are the Resolution (DPI) and the Image format. You have different options when it comes to the image format, but I prefer to scan my artwork as a JPEG file. JPEGs tend to be smaller file sizes than TIFF files which means that they open up faster in Photoshop and are generally easier to work with.

Convert Hand Drawing Into Digital Art, Linework, Flat Colors By Paoloravera - How To Turn Art Into Digital Art

Now that you have an understanding of DPI and the scanner settings, we'll go over how to actually scan in the artwork.

My First Ever To Turn My Drawing Into Digital Art!!

First things first, always make sure that your scanning bed is completely clean. This ensures that you won't be scanning in any dust, eraser nibs, or flaked off paint along with your illustration. I use my glasses cleaner to clean the scanner bed before I scan something in, or I'll use a clean paintbrush to brush away any debris on the scanner.

I usually have to scan my artwork in two pieces since the paper I use is typically larger than the scanner itself. If you also have artwork that is larger than your scanner, it's really easy to fuse the scans together into one cohesive image in Photoshop after you scan them.

I'll go into more detail about fusing multiple scans together in a future blog post tutorial, and if you want to learn more about this part of the process, you can watch a full video tutorial in my Skillshare class, Digitize Your Art to Sell Online. If you're new to Skillshare you can watch it for free when you sign up for a free trial.

Turn Drawings Into Digital Vector Art By Creativeronin

To make things as simple as possible when you go to fuse the scans together in Photoshop later, make sure that your paper is aligned perfectly with the edge of the scanner bed.

 - How To Turn Art Into Digital Art

Then when you go to scan the second part of the artwork simply push it forward and align the bottom of the page with the back edge of the scanner bed. You want to make sure to keep the orientation the same, meaning you're not taking the artwork out of the scanner and flipping it around. Scanning at the same orientation makes it infinitely easier to line up your artwork in Photoshop when you go to fuse the two scans into one.

Scanning can take a few minutes depending on the DPI, so I always gently press down on the scanner while it's scanning. This ensures that the paper stays flush with the glass as the light is going over it.

Transform Your Digital Art Into Nfts And Cash In On Crypto Craze

If you press down too hard, the scan will get compromised and there will end up being some streaks on your digital file. If you don't press down at all it can get blurry because the paper isn't completely flush to the glass. A little light pressure will help you get the highest quality scan possible.

Once your scan is complete, you'll have your digital file! If you want to dive deeper into how to edit your digital file in Photoshop and get it ready to sell online, check out my class Digitize Your Artwork to Sell Online. This is an in-depth course that teaches you the digitizing process from start to finish.

If you don't have access to a scanner, photographing your artwork can be a great way to digitize it. You can use either a nice camera or your phone. I want to remove as many barriers as possible for you when digitizing your art, so if you don't have access to

How To Convert Traditional Artwork & Illustration To Digital Art - How To Turn Art Into Digital Art

Ways To Make Digital Art

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Game acquired Gamestation back in 2007 for £74 million but since then the business has run into some difficulties, which put some suppliers off of giving the stores product.

With the likes of Nintendo, Electronic Arts and Capcom refusing to give the company any games to sell it swiftly went into administration but was bought by OpCapita a week later.

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The new branding, according to Game, will roll out September and October and will see 122 Gamestations renamed, which means that there will now be a total of 341 Game stores in the UK.

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In a bid to entice punters, Game is also rolling out free Wi-Fi in stores, in partnership with BT, and will be adding tablets and consoles into the stores to offer consumers a 'try before you buy' experience.

Speaking about the new Wi-fi boost, Andy Baker, CEO BT Wi-fi, said: "According to Ofcom 39 per cent of adults now have a smartphone and they're a crucial part of people's shopping habits, especially for gamers.

"We are delighted to add GAME's stores to the four million UK hotspots where our broadband customers already enjoy unlimited BT Wi-fi for free. In store wi-fi will give gamers access to all the information they need to buy there and then."

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"For example, the gamestation trade-in proposition, 'We Won't Be Beaten On Trade-In', continues under the new unified brand and likewise the passionate and knowledgeable Gamestation store teams stay with us and continue to provide outstanding support and advice for all gamers."

Marc Chacksfield is the Editor In Chief, at DC Thomson. He started out life as a movie writer for numerous (now defunct) magazines and soon found himself online - editing a gaggle of gadget sites, including , Digital Camera World and Tom's Guide UK. At Shortlist you'll find him mostly writing about movies and tech, so no change there then.Game Group has been saved by private investment firm OpCapita in a move that will safeguard more than 3, 000 jobs and ensure that the Game and Gamestation brands continue to exist on the high street.

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Game's administrators PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) closed 277 stores last week, resulting in 2, 104 job losses, but the sale of the group to OpCapita will ensure the remaining 333 UK stores continue to trade as normal.

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Nearly 3, 200 staff will keep their jobs as a result, with a small number of staff who were served redundancy notices last week set to regain their jobs at the retailer's head office.

OpCapita, which has picked up Game Group for £1, specialises in turning around troubled retailers, following on from its recent £2 acquisition of electronics specialist Comet.

Gamestation, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford - Digital Art Gamestation Store Store

Henry Jackson, managing partner at the private equity firm, said: "We strongly believe there is a place on the high street for a video-gaming specialist and Game is the leading brand in a £2.8bn market in the UK.

Gamestation Brand No More

"We have assembled a strong team of experienced industry operators to implement the programme of operational change that is needed. There is a huge amount to do, but we look forward to the challenge of restoring Game's fortunes in partnership with its employees and suppliers."

Game has struggled to modernise its business in the face of increasing competition from internet retailers such as Amazon, as well as from the UK's major supermarkets.

Gamestation Shops To Be Rebranded As GAME - Digital Art Gamestation Store Store

The retailer fell out publicly with suppliers at the start of the year after being unable to honour deals. As a result, stores were unable to stock Electronic Arts game

Any Uk Apes Remember Gamestation? I Always Preferred It To Game And Was So Bummed Out As A Kid When They Got Taken Over. As An Adult Manchild, I Am Glad I

Tesco is ramping up its aggressive moves into the gaming market and last week ran a press campaign positioning itself as the "home of gaming", with claims that the supermarket has the largest number of gaming stores in the UK, alongside more than 10, 000 games available online.

Nearly 3, 200 staff will keep their jobs as a result, with a small number of staff who were served redundancy notices last week set to regain their jobs at the retailer's head office.

OpCapita, which has picked up Game Group for £1, specialises in turning around troubled retailers, following on from its recent £2 acquisition of electronics specialist Comet.

Gamestation, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford - Digital Art Gamestation Store Store

Henry Jackson, managing partner at the private equity firm, said: "We strongly believe there is a place on the high street for a video-gaming specialist and Game is the leading brand in a £2.8bn market in the UK.

Gamestation Brand No More

"We have assembled a strong team of experienced industry operators to implement the programme of operational change that is needed. There is a huge amount to do, but we look forward to the challenge of restoring Game's fortunes in partnership with its employees and suppliers."

Game has struggled to modernise its business in the face of increasing competition from internet retailers such as Amazon, as well as from the UK's major supermarkets.

Gamestation Shops To Be Rebranded As GAME - Digital Art Gamestation Store Store

The retailer fell out publicly with suppliers at the start of the year after being unable to honour deals. As a result, stores were unable to stock Electronic Arts game

Any Uk Apes Remember Gamestation? I Always Preferred It To Game And Was So Bummed Out As A Kid When They Got Taken Over. As An Adult Manchild, I Am Glad I

Tesco is ramping up its aggressive moves into the gaming market and last week ran a press campaign positioning itself as the "home of gaming", with claims that the supermarket has the largest number of gaming stores in the UK, alongside more than 10, 000 games available online.

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SMU DataArts, the National Center for Arts Research, is pleased to provide the 2019 Arts Vibrancy Index Report. Like its four predecessors, this year’s edition draws upon a set of data-informed indices to identify arts-vibrant communities across the U.S.

Arts and cultural organizations exist where people live throughout the nation, serving communities both poor and affluent, rural and urban. Their ubiquity is a testament to the human need for creativity and desire to engage with artistic expression. In 2018, arts activity in every U.S. Congressional District in the country benefited from federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Arts and cultural organizations are engines of community development and community cohesion. The arts provide culturally infused experiences that are consumed in an open, social setting, which is ideal for engendering social integration in a diverse marketplace. The current climate of political, sociocultural, and economic polarization makes it more important than ever to recognize and celebrate the essential role that arts and culture play in making communities throughout the country not only more vibrant places to live and visit but also more unified, safe, and tolerant.

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All cities can learn from each other’s strengths. In this report, we highlight and celebrate communities big and small, located in every region, that have cultivated higher levels of arts activity per person living in the community. We use the term “vibrancy” in keeping with Merriam-Webster’s definition of the word to mean  “pulsating  with life, vigor, or activity.”4

Rather than base the list on popular vote or on our own opinion about locations,  we take an empirical approach to assessing a variety of characteristics that make up a community’s arts vibrancy. Our method involves measuring community traits, such as the number of nonprofit arts and cultural organizations per capita. Although this may appear to some like a counting exercise, there is more to it. All else being equal, more arts and cultural organizations in a community translates to more availability of arts experiences for people to engage within that community. It also means more variety. A community with 50 arts organizations most likely has a greater range of options than a community of comparable size with only five organizations, so a greater diversity of interests, preferences, and cultural expressions can be met. This is just one example of the 12 measures we use.

We openly admit that our measures of vibrancy do not capture artistic quality, nor do they say anything about who participates in the arts, or the many cultural offerings by organizations whose core mission lies outside of the arts such as parks, military bases, hospitals, and libraries.

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We do not include qualitative assessment about the value or depth of the experience with art for any individual or community. To avoid bias, we intentionally exclude data that is available only for some cities but not others. We will continue to add new rubrics and additional measures as they become available on a national scale in order to capture the most complete and unbiased assessment of arts vibrancy. For now, the metrics used in this report are based on the most reliable and geographically inclusive sources of data available.

To assess arts vibrancy across the United States, we analyze four measures under each of three main rubrics: supply, demand, and public support for arts and culture on a per capita basis.

We gauge supply as total arts providers, demand with measures of total nonprofit arts dollars in the community, and public support as state and federal arts funding. We use multiple measures since vibrancy reveals itself in a constellation of ways.

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Each community has its own story of what makes it unique and vibrant, so we share highlights to give a better understanding of the life, vigor, and activity that are reflected in the numbers. Local arts councils, arts alliances, convention and visitor bureaus, and other agencies provided descriptions of their community’s exceptional history, attributes, and assets. These descriptions were not used in calculating vibrancy but add context to communities that are recognized in this study as Top Arts-Vibrant Communities. We thank them for their help.

Arts Vibrancy Index Report V - Viage Digital Art Theatre Nearest Locations Nj

Ten percent of the communities are entirely new to our lists this year while another 20 percent return after not being included in the 2018 report.

Table 1: Top 20 Arts-Vibrant Large Communities (Metropolitan Areas or Metro Divisions with population over 1, 000, 000)                                                                        

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Arts and cultural organizations are intimately tied to their communities. SMU DataArts recognizes this and combines data from nonprofit arts and cultural organizations with data for the communities in which they reside. By geolocating organizations and linking them to their community’s characteristics in the data, we can identify factors that affect the health and sustainability of arts organizations. We know from our research that each of the factors from the ecosystem included in this report has an influence on a variety of financial, operating, and attendance outcomes for arts and cultural organizations. We share our findings regarding the operating and community characteristics that drive performance – and how they affect performance – in our quarterly reports (see, for example, The Fundraising Report).

Arts and culture also play a vital role in a city’s livability and its social cohesion. The Arts Vibrancy Index (AVI) can help arts leaders, businesses, government agencies, funders,  and engaged citizens understand the overall intensity and capacity of the community’s arts and culture sector. Past AVI reports have helped communities get the recognition they deserve from their mayors, city council members, and state legislators for their previously under-appreciated arts activity. Arts leaders have informed us that they use the AVI reports and interactive map on our website to consider where to relocate their operations and what markets are ripe for touring performances or exhibitions. Communities can benchmark themselves against an aspirational set of communities and understand what sets them apart by examining the underlying dimensions of demand, supply, and public support for arts and culture. This granular detail provides insights as to why two cities that seem very different on the surface might be close to one another in the ranking.

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From 2010 to 2016, Americans for the Arts’ National Arts Index tracked the aggregate vitality of the nation’s arts and culture. There are valuable frameworks that chronicle a neighborhood’s cultural resources such as the Cultural Asset Index and the Baltimore-focused interactive tool GeoLoom. There are published rankings that assess the strength of arts and culture as part of a larger look at a city’s attractiveness and livability, and others that focus on the arts and cultural sector’s role as part of creative placemaking. We share some metrics with these other studies and tools but, in keeping with SMU DataArts’ mission, our ranking focuses solely on arts and culture with heavy emphasis on the nonprofit sector.

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We drew our measures from a review of the existing literature on arts and culture indicators and from our Model of the Arts & Culture Ecosystem (see Figure 2), which features a complex and interdependent set of relationships among: 1) artists and arts organizations; 2) their communities; and 3) government funding that influences the production and consumption of arts and culture.

Our measures are aggregated across the 12 arts and cultural sectors that are included in SMU DataArts’ research and KIPI Dashboard: Arts Alliances and Service Organizations, Arts Education, Art Museums, Community, Dance, Music, Opera, Performing Arts Center, Symphony Orchestra, Theater, Other Museum, and General Performing Arts.ii Some sectors combine arts and cultural disciplines with similar characteristics.iii 

Communities are defined by the Office of Management and Budget  (OMB) as MSAs, or Micro-and Metropolitan Statistical Areas. As described on the OMB website:

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 at least one urbanized area of 50, 000 or more population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by commuting ties.”

 at least one urban cluster of at least 10, 000 but less than 50, 000 population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by commuting ties.”

Focusing on MSAs provides a nationally standardized, objective approach to delineating markets. MSAs capture the network of suburbs that rise up around a city or town rather than considering them separately. A key feature, as quoted above, is the “high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by commuting ties.”

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Arts leaders sometimes balk at the notion of MSAs because they think about the character of their city in very different terms than they do that of surrounding suburbs. And yet audience members, artists, and employees of arts organizations live in the surrounding suburbs, particularly when real estate prices make living in the urban core cost-prohibitive. Off-site production facilities and storage are frequently located in less expensive parts of town that may or may not fall within the city’s official boundaries. The main airport often lies outside of the city limits and yet the arts and cultural organizations

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